Sherwood Pink Group 2022
This is a copy of the Autumn/Winter Update 2022. If you would like to receive this please subscribe.
This is our short Autumn/Winter Update 2022 sending you Very Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
After an unseasonably warm Autumn, we have had several weeks of rain and temperature have started to drop with several nights of frost. The warm period that lasted throughout a good part of September and October provided an opportunity to move irises and re-order iris beds, something that was impossible with ground baked dry after several months of drought.
We stopped sending out irises in mid November and plan to resume deliveries in April next year.
Despite increasing pressures on family finances, orders have held up well this year. We offer a distinctive high quality product, with a range that is not available elsewhere in the market place and continue to enjoy much positive feedback from our customers. Thank you so much to those who have written business reviews. This is really important and helps our search ranking.
The Newsletter is an important way to keep in touch with customers, past and present, and iris lovers generally. Our support base continues to grow steadily each month, so please mention us to your gardening friends and encourage them to join. Word of mouth referrals continue to be the most valuable source of publicity, and if you like the Update, please encourage them to our website and/or subscribe to the Newsletter. Simply send them the link: https://www.englishiriscompany.com.You can find the link to subscribe to the Newsletter at the bottom of the home page, and if you would like to contribute a business review, please log into Google and press the link https://tinyurl.com/54eshvft

Orange Order 2022
Sending irises as presents is something we are happy to do. This is popular with customers and the feedback we receive both from both donor and recipient is always positive. Please remember this when you are struggling to find the right gift for a gardening relative or friend this Christmas.
We can add a personal message and all vouchers are sent out by First Class Mail, but f you are concerned about postal delays/strikes, there is always the Next Day Delivery option.
Sending Iris Gift Vouchers is a good alternative and works throughout the year. Cards are sent out quickly to meet special dates/anniversaries etc. For further information https://www.englishiriscompany.com/shop/bearded-iris-gift-vouchers/

Annabel Jane 2022
We plan to release some new irises next year, including Century Pink, the British Iris Centenary Iris featured prominently in their Chelsea 2022 Gold Medal Winning Display.
Pictures of the British Iris Society Display are available on the British Iris Society website

Century Pink 2022
Doddington – We have taken more irises to Doddington this Autumn which will be replanted in the new iris border at Doddington Hall in Spring 2023. More information to follow.

Two new beds have been planted this Autumn to enhance the previous four beds. This will provide a stunning display in May/June next year. Details of visiting arrangements/Open Days in 2023 to follow.

Irises in the Walled Garden at Abercamlais 2022
In 2023 we will be working with an established and highly respected Cut Flower Grower in Nottinghamshire who is also an enthusiastic iris grower. She lives a few miles from where Bryan Dodsworth hybridised his Award Winning Irises. We are keen to promote the versatility of our Tall Bearded Irises as Cut Flowers and more information will follow in 2023.

Blaeberry Pie 2022
A few pointers to help you this Autumn/Winter
General Plant Health
Cutting Back – My irises looked remarkably well through the prolonged drought this Summer, but, after a very wet September, October and first half of November, I have to admit they were looking pretty ragged. I have now cut them back and removed all the brown discoloured leaves. In many cases these were saturated by the rain, with a sodden mass at the base of the rhizome: ideal conditions for rhizome rot!
It is not good enough to cut the leaves back not the normal ‘fan’ shape, leaving the brown leaves in tact, you have to go one stage further. Remove all the brown leaves and cut back to ‘green leaf’ material. I know it can be a struggle to remove the old brown leaves from the base of the rhizome, but it is essential to do this. This will prevent fungus spores reappearing in Spring, and help reduce iris leaf spot.
If you have not cut back your rises yet, you need to do this quickly on a good dry sunny winter’s day.
Slugs – These soggy warm conditions are ideal for slugs. You need to be vigilant, and remember it is the small black slug that does most damage.
If slugs are evident (and remember you may not be aware that they are), use an organic product ‘Ferrimax’ approved by RHS or ‘Sluxx’, the product we use. Check websites for availability.
Tidying Up – It is never too late to tidy up irises by removing the old surplus rhizomes. You can do this productively over the winter on a dry day, but do not attempt to dig up irises at this time of the year and replant them. This can be done in the Spring, but remember that using the Doddington much improves the chances of their flowering.
It is important to remove perennial weeds whenever you can. Growth has been spectacular this Autumn in ideal growing conditions.
For further information about planting and caring for your irises, use the link below. https://www.englishiriscompany.com/how-to-plant-and-care-for-bearded-irises/
Thank you for your support. I hope you have a very Happy Christmas, and do remember the Gift Vouchers if you are still on the hunt for that elusive Christmas present. Enjoy your gardening and please tell your gardening friends about us. I will be in contact again in the Spring.
Simon Dodsworth
Phone: +44(0)7789 670 299