‘Hen Harrier’ – One of our Exciting New Special Reserve Irises
This is a copy of the Spring 2024 Summary Update. If you would like to receive this twice yearly update please subscribe.
Our Updates are an important way to keep in touch with customers, past and present, and iris lovers generally. We are seeing a steady increase in the mailing list month on month. Moreover word of mouth referrals work best and, if you like what we do, please mention us to your gardening friends send them this link.
Welcome to our Spring 2024 Summary Update. I am changing the format to reduce the length and provide detailed links to posts. This will allow Subscribers to access the information they need more quickly, and save time ploughing through a lot of content. I hope this is a step in the right direction and always welcome your feedback.
This is a summary of the Update:

‘Kildonan’ – One of our New Special Reserve Irises
1) Special Reserve Irises
Welcome to our exciting new Collection of Special Reserve Irises . There are six brand new varieties, all rare and exclusive to the the English Iris Company. Due to scarcity only small quantities of each variety are available and we encourage Subscribers to respond quickly.
All registered Subscribers have first pick before these highly distinctive top notch irises go on general release in fourteen days. This is a genuine Subscriber Offer. Learn more about our Special Reserve Irises.
Passwords – The irises are password protected for 14 days to enable Subscribers to have fist pick. the passwords will be removed when the irises go on general release.
We expect demand to be brisk, and, given the small quantities available for some varieties, you will need to respond quickly.
‘Nicola Fernie’ – One of our New Special Reserve Irises
2) 2024 Introductions
We are adding two new varieties to the existing range this year, Century Pink and Dotterel ; also, note too that we now have good supplies of Philippa Hobart after a three year gap. Read the full article here on 2024 Introductions.

Iris ‘Dotterel’ – One of our 2024 Introductions
3) Weather
Reports from around the country show a real concern about the impact of a long wet cold Spring. The ground is completely sodden, and we desperately need some drier weather and for the ground to warm up again.
4) Growing Irises in Wet Conditions
This is essential reading and written in response to a growing list of problems highlighted by customers. I am updating the advice specifically to take account of the atrociously wet conditions across the country. My advice concentrates on things you MUST do to cope with these sodden conditions over the winter. Your irises are at risk if you do not take preventative measures quickly. Read the full article here on Growing Irises in Wet Conditions.
5) Nursery Move – To recap, I am in the process of moving my operations further north and this means that deliveries will resume in August 2024. Also, please note that some varieties will be in short supply due to the move. To overcome this, Subscribers should order early to avoid disappointment.
Tynedale Group – One of the new Special Reserve Irises
6) Partner Gardens
For latest information and arrangements to see our irises in 2024, please read the full article on Partner Gardens.
7) Irises as Cut Flowers
I will update you on further progress in the Autumn.
8) Iris Contacts
Subscribers with an interest in irises may wish to join the British Iris Society and learn about the work of a newly formed Sub-Group, the Historic Iris Group. Read the full article on Iris Contacts here.

Sanderling – One of our New Special Reserve Irises
Thank you for your support and for reading our Spring 2024 Summary Update. I hope you enjoy the new abbreviated format. If you do, and think others would be interested, please forward them the link and encourage them to join our growing list of Subscribers.
Also, please remember to be quick ordering any Special Reserve Irises, and, finally, let’s hope for all our sakes that the weather warms up. Enjoy your gardening and here’s hoping for a really good iris flowering season!
And finally, do please continue to tell your gardening friends about us and I will be in contact again in the Autumn.
Simon Dodsworth
Phone: +44(0)7789 670 299