Blue Crevasse

We welcome Blue Crevasse, a new Pale Blue Bearded Iris to our range of Exclusive Award Winning British Irises.

Building your Iris Collection

This is the perfect plant to start building your collection of ‘Cool’ irises to include different shades of blue (lighter and darker) and the whites.

Enjoy this exceptional Pale Blue Bearded Iris; paler than Skye Blue. The Standards (the three vertical petals) are a diaphanous, translucent pale blue, redolent of the glacier after which the plant was named. The falls (the three horizontal petals) are paler still, almost grey, with distinctive veining. Early Flowering.

This is a sophisticated, classy Pale Blue Bearded Iris, with perfect flower shape and classic ‘Dodsworth’ branching.

Plant on its own, or in groups, blocks or drifts

Mixing with other Colours

These ‘Dodsworth’ irises combine clear clean colours, great branching and perfect flower shape to create a ‘Perfect’ Iris. Understand why these single colour irises known as ‘selfs’ mix so well with other colours groups to give you real scope to design your own distinctive colour palette.

Mixes with colour groups ‘Cools’ (Blues and Whites) ‘Softs’ (Pinks and Yellows) and ‘Hots’ (Reds, yellows, mulberry, browns and oranges).

Plant with Lime Soda for contrast, another early flowering varieties, or with Bryan’s Best Blue that flowers a little later.

Planting with Pinks

Remember how useful  ‘Pinks’ are in this context, spanning the early/mid/ late flowering periods. Because of this they give you so many options to extend the iris season. Eileen Louise flowers early, Catherine Seville in mid-season, and both Sherwood Pink and Century Pink are late, very late

Registered in 1997. Height 42″ (107cm), Standards Pale Blue, Falls pale blue/grey. Beard Palest Blue.
Sweetly scented, fruity, sweet mango.

DISCOUNTS are available for larger purchases: (1-2) Plants £16.50/(3-5) Plants £16.00/(6-8) £15.50/(9+) £14.75.

Fruity Sweet Mango
Early Bloom


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Planting Instructions

Irises are hardy and easy to grow providing instructions are followed correctly. Full instructions are provided with each order or you can read more on our Planting Irises page.

Delivery Information

Plants are dispatched by post between April and October each year. The delivery charge is based on the number of plants purchased and the delivery destination.

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